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Thursday, November 20, 2008
Gurlz Only! Fish Tales
Me and the Gurlz - gettin' ready to get our FISH ON!

Ladies? Strike a pose!!

And... We're OFF!

Hande caught a fish but by the time we reeled it in the sharks had eaten everything off the line except for its teeth still caught around the lure!

This is where the fishing is the best!
Pull the lures through the bird pile and we're sure to catch something!!

I love this splashy action shot! Cheryle and Jen are pros.

Sometimes we come upon dolphin pods... hundreds of dolphins.
But not so great for fishing since they are hungry too and have the home court advantage!

A water proof camera is great...
just stick it in the water to see what's going on down there.
This was a little guy we caught

And another....

The cleaning station...

Here's a MAGICAL little tuna tale....
This little fella started out small.....

He came to life and started growing while in Barb's hands!

Then he tried to eat her head!
We got a hold of him for another picture....
Ladies? Strike a pose!!
And... We're OFF!
Hande caught a fish but by the time we reeled it in the sharks had eaten everything off the line except for its teeth still caught around the lure!
This is where the fishing is the best!
Pull the lures through the bird pile and we're sure to catch something!!
I love this splashy action shot! Cheryle and Jen are pros.

Sometimes we come upon dolphin pods... hundreds of dolphins.
But not so great for fishing since they are hungry too and have the home court advantage!

A water proof camera is great...
just stick it in the water to see what's going on down there.
This was a little guy we caught

And another....
The cleaning station...

Here's a MAGICAL little tuna tale....
This little fella started out small.....
He came to life and started growing while in Barb's hands!
Then he tried to eat her head!
We got a hold of him for another picture....
Wow he's getting big!!
But he wriggled free and chased Cheryle!
He went after Jen too!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Kwajalein Yacht Club Swashbuckler's Ball! '08
Swashbuckler's Ball at the Yacht Club this year was WAY fun!
We headed to the Morgan's to get ready.
We stopped on our way to the Ball to enjoy the sunset over the Lagoon...
The decorations were killer!
The feast was fearsome!
There was enough gold treasure for everyone!

Sporting my gold tooth... Argggggh!
After Dinner: Rubber Duckie Race Pirate Games..
You can NEVER trust a pirate. A pirate might take surpirse photos of you...
They like to behead eachother...
(Donna is pulling her scary pirate face... she's much too beautiful to be very scary)

Pirate Wench-Friends are the Best!
Swashbuckler smooches are succulent!

Have you seen the new Pirate Movie?

Sunday, September 7, 2008
More Fun!
The most fabulously wonderful Barclay sisters... Brooke, (me) Jen, Bonnie, (Jean is missing)
See what I mean? I look much better sitting next to Jarem.
The most beautiful newborn on Planet Earth! Introducing the newest member of the family... my Grandaughter, Ashley's Echo Ann Erekson.
Photos taken by Brooke Prothero and Echo's is Unknown - Brooke downloaded it for me from Ashley's MySpace album.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Erekson's Summer Vacation 2008
Our summer trip was Amazing!
Dane Bishop (Jarem's friend) came with us and we had a great time together. We packed exciting adventures into every day - everything was extraordinary and my co-travelers are adorable! Everything and everyone were so ridiculously photogenic that I took a bajillion pictures, it was difficult to choose which ones to leave out of the blog.
Departing Kwajalein...
Jarem, Dane, and I flew to Honolulu where we met Rich at 2:30am. We all arrived in Kaua'i together at 7:00am. Talk about a long day... and night... and day! The up-side was watching the glorious sunrise over Hawaiian waters from the plane. Nice!
The airplane tour was amazing but photos don't do it justice so I'm not posting many of them..JPG)
Next - NaPali Kona Forest Reserve Pihea trail...
The trail started out easy but turned gnarly pretty quick..JPG)
Mysterious fog wafted around us like a blanket
We finished off the day at Barking Sands Beach...
The waves were perfect for boogie-boarding. We were in the water for hours.

Kahalahala Beach at Lumaha'i on the north side of the island

Mostly Rich and I just had fun watching the boys play...
We stopped at every view area we could during our trip...
Shipwreck Beach - big waves and a nice big cliff too
Hiking on the The Kalalau Trail along the Napali Coast
It's no wonder Hollywood loves to produce films on the Garden Island - it's one of the most beautiful places on earth!
First things first - Jarem revved up his go-ped and Dane rode a motorcycle for the first time.

Parent's summer house near Flaming Gorge Reservoir - we certainly felt like VIP at the cabin and while staying at their house in Ogden

2 weeks in Utah went by way too fast. We were sad to say our good-byes and head to the airport for another really long trip back to Honolulu. As always, as soon as we arrived in Honolulu we started running into people from Kwajalein.
Dane Bishop (Jarem's friend) came with us and we had a great time together. We packed exciting adventures into every day - everything was extraordinary and my co-travelers are adorable! Everything and everyone were so ridiculously photogenic that I took a bajillion pictures, it was difficult to choose which ones to leave out of the blog.
Departing Kwajalein...
Jarem, Dane, and I flew to Honolulu where we met Rich at 2:30am. We all arrived in Kaua'i together at 7:00am. Talk about a long day... and night... and day! The up-side was watching the glorious sunrise over Hawaiian waters from the plane. Nice!
Rich was our trip planner, tour guide, and chapperone. We used The Ultimate Kaua'i Guidebook, Kaua'i Revealed (6th edition) by Andrew Doughty - it was the perfect reference for our Kaua'i experience. We stayed at the Hilton - breakfast in the morning and happy hour with pu' pus at night were included in our free stay for almost one week!

Our first adventure while visiting Kaua'i was an airplane tour...
The plane had bubble windows so we could see all around and headphones with mouth pieces so we could talk to eachother during our flight.
We flew all around Kaua'i, the Garden State. Waimea Canyon and the Napali Coast were the my favorite sights.
Our first adventure while visiting Kaua'i was an airplane tour...
The plane had bubble windows so we could see all around and headphones with mouth pieces so we could talk to eachother during our flight.
We flew all around Kaua'i, the Garden State. Waimea Canyon and the Napali Coast were the my favorite sights.
The airplane tour was amazing but photos don't do it justice so I'm not posting many of them.
Next - NaPali Kona Forest Reserve Pihea trail...
The trail started out easy but turned gnarly pretty quick.
Mysterious fog wafted around us like a blanket
We finished off the day at Barking Sands Beach...
The waves were perfect for boogie-boarding. We were in the water for hours.

Kahalahala Beach at Lumaha'i on the north side of the island

Mostly Rich and I just had fun watching the boys play...
We stopped at every view area we could during our trip...
Shipwreck Beach - big waves and a nice big cliff too
Hiking on the The Kalalau Trail along the Napali Coast
The boys make hiking look so easy! :) Hanakapi'ai Falls were beautiful. Jarem got in the water a little ways and it was my birthday so of course I took a dip. .JPG)
We rested briefly at Hanakapi'ai Beach on our way out
On our last day in Kaua'i we drove to Wailua Falls to pass the time before our flight
We were excited for our next stop - Utah! Jarem and Dane charged their batteries for the long flight ahead.

First things first - Jarem revved up his go-ped and Dane rode a motorcycle for the first time.
People came from all over to show their love and support of my expectant grand baby. Ashley is beautiful - she's got that glow!

Hostess Brooke
Baby Echo's Family Tree... Great-Great Grandma Eileen Erekson, Great Grandmas Barclay and Erekson, Grandma Erekson (ME!) and her mother Ashley. It's amazing how fast the family tree grows with all the young family start-ups and second marriages. ;)
Ashley was happy to see her Erekson aunts
Kesha shows us her melted candy bar while Bonnie and Jean work on theirs during the poopy diaper game!
Isn't my mommy cute?
Cynthia helped with the presents and Kale insisted that some of the presents belonged to him. Kate just watched and was as cute as any little person could dream of being!
After mom fell asleep in her chair we decided it was time to finish up this rip-roaring party!
Congratulations Ashley - we can't wait to meet your sweet little baby girl!
While I stayed in Ogden with girls, the boys headed for a 4-day backpacking trip in the scenic Uintahs (Rocky Mountains)
Camp wasn't cold - it was infested with millions of mosquitos, hence all the long sleeves.
It's fun to have so many great brothers and brother-in-laws on both sides of the family. We were glad Robert could make it.
Next on the Utah agenda - Jarem's favorite activity of all time. Little Sahara Sand Dunes, Utah with my parents. Rich took Dane for a ride on the Banshee...
We set up a shade tent to get out of the scorching dessert heat
We climbed Sand Mountain on motorcycles, 4-wheelers, and since we had the place to ourselves we also climbed up it on foot...
Rich offered me a ride to the top - I took him up on it! 
800 vertical feet later, under the blazing July sun, Jarem and Dane still had enough energy to run around the sand bowl belly button

800 vertical feet later, under the blazing July sun, Jarem and Dane still had enough energy to run around the sand bowl belly button
Erekson property at Mt. Pleasant, UT where Al and Nezla put their construction efforts on hold to visit with us 

Sarah's Andrew gave me the tree house tour
Jackson Hole, Wyoming- just in time to take a little hike and watch the sun set behind the Grand Tetons

White water rafting down the Snake River...

White water rafting down the Snake River...
The boys pushed eachother into the cold water
Parent's summer house near Flaming Gorge Reservoir - we certainly felt like VIP at the cabin and while staying at their house in Ogden

We had fun showing Dane the sights
Jarem couldn't resist the rope swing...
We took a picnic to the beach to spend some time with Brad and Jen's family and Grandma Gundi
Katie and Breanna couldn't get enough of the Water Chariot
Brandon is a handsome little spotter!
We were excited for night time to light off fireworks...

2 weeks in Utah went by way too fast. We were sad to say our good-byes and head to the airport for another really long trip back to Honolulu. As always, as soon as we arrived in Honolulu we started running into people from Kwajalein.
Waikiki Beach - Honolulu, Oahu
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